
2019-11-07 【恭賀】本系 特聘教授呂老師實驗室論文發表於科技部指標型代表期刊Chem Comm (為英國皇化學學會歷史悠久之知名老牌期刊!!

本系特聘教授呂老師實驗室論文發表於科技部指標型代表期刊ChemComm (為英國皇化學學會歷史悠久之知名老牌期刊! (論文 請見附件)

I think high school students in Taiwan (or other countries) must learn F atom as the most electronegative element. It only accepts a positive charge. However, in our Chem Comm article, we clearly show F atom being able to act as a sigma hole (positive charge) donor. This finding is important in halogen bond, fluorine chemistry, chemical engineering and general chemistry communities. In particular, not only college students, but also high school students can find this research very interesting and important.