112年2月10日 李遠川院士專題演講


Date: Feb 10, 2022

Serendipity in Scientific Discoveries: Examples in Biology and Chemistry (科學研究中的偶然相遇- 以生物及化學為例)

Speaker: Professor Yuan Chuan Lee (李遠川 院士)

Academician of Academia Sinica (中央研究院)

Professor of Biology, Johns Hopkins University (約翰霍普金斯大學生物系學術)


Many instances of scientific discovery are by unexpected encounters, commonly known as SERENDIPITY. Serendipity occurs because of the imperfection of so-called “Theories”. One good example is the discovery of penicillin by Alexander Fleming, when he accidentally observed Penicillium notatum dissolves Staphylococcus cells. This discovery could not have happened were it not for his prior experience with lysozyme. Another example is the discovery of an artificial sweetener, Saccharin, accidentally created during the studies of oxidation products of a toluene derivative. How can one improve the chance of serendipity? Louis Pasteur said, “Chance favors prepaid mind”. Linus Pauling said, “The best way to have a good idea is to have lots of ideas”. Although some may think “better be lucky than smart”, only “smart” can recognize “lucky”.

許多科學發現的例子都是偶然的相遇,通常被稱為SERENDIPITY。偶然性的發現是因為科學研究中所謂的「理論」並不完善。一個很好的例子是亞歷山大·弗萊明(Alexander Fleming)發現的青黴素,當時他意外地觀察到青黴菌溶解葡萄球菌細胞。如果不是他之前對溶菌酶(lysosome)的經驗,這個重大的發現是不可能發生的。另一個例子是在研究甲苯衍生物的氧化產物時,科學家意外發現人造甜味劑糖精。如何提高偶然的機會?路易士·巴斯德(Louis Pasteur)說:「機會偏愛預付的頭腦」。萊納斯·鮑林(Linus Pauling)說:「有一個好主意的最好方法是有很多想法」。雖然有些人可能認為「幸運勝過聰明」 但只有「聰明」才能識別「幸運」。
